June 2005 | Sean O'Keefe '95
Sean O'Keefe '95 (Screenwriter & Producer)
By Dominique Kalil '00
As an African, Alaska and video gaming are two of the most foreign concepts to me; ice and technology are generally as far from my reality as the pebbles on Mars. When I interviewed Sean O’Keefe (Class of 1995), I was forced to face a sad reality; as Sean put it, that I am joining the ranks of the “obsolete.”
Sean has recently become a successful screenwriter and producer.
Read moreMay 2005 | Dan Abrams '90
Dan Abrams '90 (Producer, KNOTS)
By Dominique Kalil '00
Dan Abrams didn’t want to conduct this interview telephonically. That was fine by me as I have come to accept that the bargaining power I yield exists in my mind only. That being said, I have generally found email to be a fluffy form of communication. In email-land, there are no intonations, no screaming pauses, no pensive sighs, no speech expressions (besides the odd YELL!), little spontaneity, and I find it bland and non-descript in a black and white Times New Roman way. Plus generic hotmail/yahoo/aol addresses such as mine, automatically propel one into the anonymous world of a spam, hate inducing, trash (otherwise known as the s.h.i.t.) mail bin. So, I admit I hounded Dan Abrams. I emailed him no less than five times trying to extricate the details of his life for this piece. He always, very politely, replied that it was coming and to get back to him the following week. Sometimes I forgot, and sometimes I did get back to him.
Read moreApril 2005 | Georgia Lee '98
Georgia Lee '98 (Screenwriter, Director, & Producer, RED DOORS)
By Dominique Kalil '00
I spoke to Georgia Lee while sitting in rush hour traffic, not my original plan. As I watched the minutes tick by, and realized I wasn’t go to be where I needed to be, I thought my head was going to explode. It had been one of those days where everything has the potential to go your way, but nothing does. Furthermore, it appeared that I was the only person in the entire city that was driving with some purposeful intent. Before I dialed her number, I pointed to the sky with my middle finger one last time and took a deep breath. On the other end of the line I heard an articulate, enthusiastic, spontaneous young lady.
Read moreMarch 2005 | Caroline Libresco, HDS '91
Caroline Libresco HDS '91 (Producer, SUNSET STORY)
By Dominique Kalil '00
The state of old age is generally regarded as one of dementia, inactivity and incontinence. And for the most part, people turn away from stories chronicling senescence. In our society, growing old is certainly equated with an acquisition of knowledge and experience, but the state of actually ‘being old’ tends to be perceived as neither pleasant nor familiar. This is where the makers of Sunset Story vehemently differ. In a recent conversation, Caroline Libresco (one of the producers and a Harvard grad) stated that as a filmmaker she was drawn into the story of this elderly pair, their transformation, and their exemplary evolution.
Read moreFebruary 2005 | May Lugemwa '04
May Lugemwa '04 (Producer & Writer, FORMER NATIONALITY)
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