Harvardwood does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the information, content or advertisements (collectively "Materials") contained on, distributed through, or linked, downloaded or accessed from any of the services contained on this website. You hereby acknowledge that any reliance upon any Materials shall be at your sole risk. Materials are provided by Harvardwood on an "AS IS" basis, and Harvardwood expressly disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied.
The services provided by Harvardwood are purely informational. They do not constitute a promise of work, sales entity, production company, or anything other than a forum for the exchange of ideas and information. The services provided by Harvardwood in no way breach any existing contracts participating or affiliated individuals or companies may have with other individuals or companies, including but not limited to writers, agents, managers, lawyers, studios, networks, production companies, publications, or publishing companies. Participating parties are responsible for fulfilling their own existing legal and contractual obligations; Harvardwood is not responsible for enforcing such obligations.
For privacy reasons, Harvardwood cannot release the contact information of any of our members or guest speakers. Harvardwood will not forward script read requests or requests for representation, job opportunities, and other solicitations.
Harvardwood does not provide refunds for membership dues payments. If you would like to turn off auto-renewal on your account, please visit the FAQ page for more information on account maintenance. Partial refunds for merchandise will be provided if merchandise is returned within 30 days of purchase (cost of goods minus transactional fees for purchase). Partial refunds for event tickets as well as program fees will be provided if at least 3 full days ADVANCE notice is given of non-attendance or cancellation (cost of ticket or program fee minus transactional fees for purchase). If there is a transactional issue, please contact us at: [email protected].
Harvardwood periodically awards free months of Full Membership for various service initiatives. Please note that Harvardwood account holders can earn a maximum of 12 free months per calendar year.
Harvardwood does not give, sell, or disclose any member information to any third-party sites, companies or organizations. Please do note, however, that some pages on the Harvardwood site are available to the broader public (i.e. Harvardwood Highlights archives). Please carefully review any submissions you make to public Harvardwood pages to be sure you do not include any information you would not mind making more broadly available to the public. If you have any questions as to which parts of the site are public, feel free to email us at [email protected].
Effective as of May 25, 2018
As you may know, the countries comprising the European Union (“EU”) recently adopted new regulations applicable to certain types of personal information called the General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”). Harvardwood does not have an office in any of the these countries, do not conduct business in any of these countries, and does not acknowledge that the GDPR applies to us or any information we may possess about you. Nonetheless, the enactment of the GDPR has caused Harvardwood to review its policy as it concerns personal information belonging to residents of the EU. That policy is set forth below. Of course, Harvardwood reserves the right from time to time to update it without further notice as we deem appropriate.
To the residents of the EU only who provide Harvardwood with personal data that directly or indirectly makes you identifiable in our records as a natural person, including but not limited to, your name, address, personal mobile and/or office telephone number, personal or business email address, a personal identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more other factors specific to your physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity, please be advised of the following:
In general, Harvardwood’s policy regarding data of EU Residents may give you the following rights only as to information to which the GDPR applies:
- To be aware of what personal data about you we have in our records – i.e., what we know about you;
- To be informed about the processing of your personal information – i.e., what we do with the data we receive from you;
- To have your personal information corrected if it is inaccurate and to have incomplete personal information completed, if you think the data we have is not totally accurate;
- To object to the processing of your personal information – i.e., to refuse to permit us to do anything with your personal data;
- To restrict processing of your personal information – i.e., to limit what we can do with your data;
- To have your personal information deleted (the “right to be forgotten”) from our system;
- To request access to your personal information and to obtain information about how we process it, so that you may confirm what data we may have and what we do with it;
- To move, copy or transfer your personal information (“data portability”); and
- In relation to automated decision-making that has a legal effect or otherwise significantly affects you, to request clarification of what we do with any personal data we may have about you.
Please note the following as it concerns data of EU Residents who may be subject to the GDPR:
- We will generally keep your personal data for only so long as we believe we have a reasonable business need for that data.
- In determining whether we have a legitimate interest in receiving your data, we will endeavor to, in our best judgment, weigh our need for your data with your need to keep it private. Any data we seek will generally be limited to only that which we believe in our best judgment is necessary to know in order to fulfill our mission and conduct our business as it pertains to you.
- If at any time your personal information changes, particularly your contact data, please immediately let us know by emailing [email protected]. If you would like to have your contact data deleted from our records, please email us at [email protected]. If you email us requesting deletion of your contact data, we will endeavor to do so unless one of the recognized exceptions applies, permitting us to retain your contact information.
- Any personal data that you may have provided to Harvardwood will generally be stored in our system and be accessible only to those individuals who have a “need to know,” which includes our data processing contractors.
- If we contact you for marketing purposes, we will endeavor to do so only in accord with your preferences. You may request that we stop these emails by visiting this page: https://www.harvardwood.org/unsubscribe.