Harvardwood Presents: Unlock Your Creative Career - the Key to Setting (and Getting) Goals That Stick

May 09, 2023 at 5:00pm - 6pm
Tuesday, May 9th 5pm PT / 8pm ET (virtual)
This workshop is an introduction to our unique approach to goal setting and time management for creatives. Participants will learn the three traps that keep creatives from achieving their goals and how to avoid them, and get tools for setting powerful goals and taking strategic steps toward creating the career they desire. Participants will walk away with a solid action plan for their new goal, and the focus they need to move forward with their goal in a proactive, manageable way.
Betsy Capes (CPCC) is the founder and president of Capes Coaching, NYC’s most reputable entertainment industry career coaching team. Since the company's inception in 2004, Betsy and her team have helped over 3,500 artists and creative professionals cultivate and sustain fulfilling careers in the entertainment industry. Betsy received her coaching certification through the Coaching Training Institute, has a BFA from the University of Illinois, and has done postgraduate work in Drama Therapy at NYU. She is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and has spearheaded the creation of a variety of career-focused services for artists, namely the acclaimed Creative Path Course curriculum, as well as the Artist Entrepreneurship Program at The New School for Drama. She has trained multiple coaches and instructors, and continues to personally teach and coach artists of all mediums.

Register for this event at the link below. Harvardwood members, friends, and non-members are ALL welcome, but every attendee must register for themselves individually. So if you're inviting others to join you for this panel, please forward them the link to this page so they can sign themselves up. Thank you!

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$10.00 Non-Members
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