The Night of Red Jazz
This painting the Night of Red Jazz was exhibited at a surrealist art show in Paris.
Dolphin, watercolours, by Antje Clasen
Previous exhibitions of my art:
Churchill College, Cambridge University
Gallery on the Cam, Cambridge (UK)
The local Bank in my hometown in Germany
Littauer Center and Dudley House, Harvard University
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I'm currently working as a forensic artist for the New York police, but looking for opportunities in the San Francisco Bay Area this fall. Lots of art at my site here:
Obama: Yes We Can
Yes We Can : A video portrait of Barack Obama from marc scheff on Vimeo.
I want to donate the campaign limit of $2300 to Barack Obama’s campaign. I am a working artist, so I need to raise the funds. You can help, and you get something for it.
Read moreTermonde on the Seine
California Contemporary fine artist and primitive Janai-Ami sculpts using paint as a medium in an unusual technique which blends craft and sculpting with more traditional approaches to the medium. Her extraordinary use of color is widely regarded among fellow artists placing her among the top colorists working today. The resulting impact of her passionate florals is palpable. Her unique work may be viewed at