Dario Guerrero published Alumni Film Screening at Cinepolis Chelsea in Manhattan in Film 2020-02-19 16:37:25 -0800
Alumni Film Screening at Cinepolis Chelsea in Manhattan
On Monday February 24th, the Latin American Film Center (LAFC), a non-profit based in New York City, will be having its final screening in our five part film series "Screening América: The Series". The joint screening will showcase LA BODA and ROCÍO, two films highlighting the migrant and immigrant experience on the U.S.-Mexico border. The films will be followed by a video message from ROCÍO filmmaker Darío Guerrero and a panel discussion with professor and filmmaker Philip Cartelli and professor Richard Peña. Tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rocio-and-la-boda-movie-screening-and-panel-discussion-tickets-93525931579?utm_source=Rocio+Film&utm_campaign=b3f26e4d62-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_02_18_11_56&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6ce49d4a56-b3f26e4d62-67423369