Harvardwood Social Impact: A Conversation with HBS Professor Rebecca Henderson

November 10, 2020 at 4:00pm - 5:30pm PT
Gene Pao ·
In the next installment of Harvardwood's social impact entertainment initiative, we examine how social problems of our time can be addressed through narrative storytelling.  Harvard Business School Professor Rebecca Henderson has developed a new way of thinking about the purpose of business, their role in society, and their relationship to society.  Her framework strives to build a profitable, equitable, and sustainable capitalism to address three great problems of our time:  environmental degradation, economic inequality, and institutional collapse.  In addition to this "meta-story" her work contains a number of additional fascinating storylines that can be used for film and television.  HBS alum Erik Osmundsen transformed waste management from a boring, corrupt industry to one using technology to solve both the increasing global waste problem and diminishing future supply of natural resources.  At Lipton, Michael Leijnse reinvented the tea business by committing Unilever, the parent company, to purchasing 100% sustainably grown tea.  While this move increased costs in an intensely competitive business, it not only expanded Lipton's tea business, but also transformed the entire industry across the globe to follow Lipton's lead.

Hosted by Gene Pao HBS '97 and Director of Harvardwood's Social Impact initiative, join us for a highly interactive discussion on how film and television can help advance the messages in Professor Henderson's stories!

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