
Are you attending the Berlinale this year? - Germany

We are looking for Harvardwood members attending and/or screening at the Berlinale this year. Harvardwood member Amy Stebbins will be putting together the first ever Harvardwood mixer at the festival and would like to host it in conjunction with a screening from a Harvardwood member. If you are attending the Berlinale and would like to be involved please contact Amy at [email protected]. Thank you!


Join the Harvardwood Music Advisory Committee!

Join the Harvardwood Music Advisory Committee!

Harvardwood is starting an informal advisory committee to beef up our services for Harvardwood musicians. Our goal is to create effective and ongoing music programming for Harvardwood members that can rival the work of our film and television peers. If you would like to help develop better services, workshops, programs, panel discussions, and website features - drop us a line! We will hold our first meetings on Wed., Nov. 18 in LA and Tues., Nov. 24 in NYC.

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Harvardwood Seeks Volunteers Worldwide!

Harvardwood Needs YOU!

As we approach the 10-year anniversary of Harvardwood's existence, we are excited to reflect on the tremendous growth the organization has undergone over the past decade -- with over 3,000 members worldwide, we are now one of Harvard University's largest and most active alumni groups! This year alone we have seen:

* The launch of several new Chapters around the world (and tremendous growth in existing Chapters)
* The first-ever Harvard ROCKS, featuring Harvard musicians vying for feature film soundtrack consideration
* A new and improved Harvardwood Writers Program (HWP), complete with industry showcases of finished work
* The creation of the Harvardwood Actors Program (HAP) to provide services for our thespian members
* The re-launch of Harvardwood Books, with new opportunities for Harvardwood writers to be published
* …an explosion of fun and informative events around the world designed to keep you networked, informed, and in-the-know!

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Harvardwood Highlights Seeks Profile Writers

Harvardwood seeks writers to handle monthly profile pieces on alumni in the entertainment industry. Responsibilities include researching, interviewing the subject(s) via telephone or in person, and writing a 600-800 word profile piece. Writers should be familiar with both the Harvard community and the entertainment industry and may suggest profile subjects of interest. Some reporting and/or interview skills are required, as well as poise and a discreet manner. This is a great opportunity for someone trying to build their portfolio of clips and/or interested in the entertainment industry.

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Calling all Harvardwood filmmakers screening in the San Francisco / Bay Area!

If you have submitted your film to a local film festival in the San Francisco / Bay Area, let us know about the screening.

Contact Chapter Head Julia Ogrydziak at [email protected] about any upcoming release or festival screening that you're involved in, and we will be sure to add it onto our calendar.

Also, if you notify us ahead of time, we'll do our best to plan an event for fellow Harvardwood members to come watch and support your film!

Looking forward to seeing your film on the big screen!


Are you going to the Toronto International Film Festival?

We are looking for Harvardwood members coming to the upcoming Toronto International Film Festival. The Toronto chapter of Harvardwood is planning to do an event with the Harvard Club of Toronto that centers around the showing of a film at the TIFF.

Last year a group from Toronto did this in conjunction with the wonderful documentary ¨"Harvard Beats Yale, 29-29." We met beforehand for dinner, attended the movie, and then had drinks with the director and Harvard alum Kevin Rafferty.

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Food/Beverage Donations Needed for Harvardwood TV Pilot Showcase - LA

The Harvardwood TV Pilot Showcase will be happening in August, featuring staged readings of the first acts of four pilot scripts, selected from this year's Harvardwood Pilot Writing Program.

We have a tiny budget, which comes out of the writers' own pockets - but would like to be able to thank our actors (who are working for free) by feeding them at our three rehearsals, and by providing refreshments/snacks at our performance evening in mid-August. Big, heartfelt thanks for any donations will be prominently featured in the program, which will be seen by an impressive bunch of industry folks! (And Harvardwood is a volunteer-run nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, so donations are tax deductable).

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Seeking Panelists for Frankfurt (Germany) Book Fair Publishing Panel

Harvardwood and the Harvard Club of Frankfurt are planning an event during the Frankfurt Book Fair on the 14th,15th or 16th of October, for which we are seeking more Panelists. Publishing Professionals, Authors and other Media Professionals who would like to talk about recent trends, their books or their projects to Harvard Alumni in the formal setting of a panel discussion are welcome to contact Antje Clasen at [email protected].

We would appreciate having more panelists for what promises to be a very inspiring event in a very dignified venue - the Club is currently considering the Frankfurt Museum of Modern Art.



Auditions for the August 2009 Harvardwood TV Pilot Showcase will be held THIS WEDNESDAY, July 15 from 6-10 PM at Blankspaces (near La Brea and Wilshire). The Showcase will be held Tuesday, August 18th, tentatively at the WGA. The director is Nick Weiss (SENIOR SKIP DAY), and the casting director is Liz Shoai (AVATAR, "Psych"). The showcase is an invitation only event featuring scenes from four original TV pilots by Harvardwood writers (15 min each). And as a joint effort with the new Harvardwood Actors Program - we're giving preference to Harvardwood actors for the cast. Check out the website - http://bellwethershowcase.org/

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Seeking Stage Manager/Assistant Director for Harvardwood TV Pilot Showcase - LA

The Harvardwood TV Pilot Showcase will be happening in August, featuring staged readings of the first acts of four pilot scripts, selected from this year's Harvardwood Pilot Writing Program.

We need an energetic, organized stage manager to wrangle and coordinate communications between our writers and actors, and oversee three rehearsals and one performance evening - so must be available in late July thru Mid-August.

No pay available, but great short-term opportunity for someone who wants to gain experience as a stage manager or assistant director and meet a great group of writers and actors! Some experience in these areas would be preferable.

Contact: Allison @ [email protected]


Harvard Rocks NYC Seeks Band/Artist Submissions

Harvardwood is pleased to present the first ever... HARVARD ROCKS NYC!

Whether you've been to Coachella, South x Southwest, or All Points West - see what happens when Harvard reveals it's very own best...

From the school that gave you Chester French, Weezer, & Rage Against The Machine (yes, all bands carry 1 or more Crimson diplomas)—be there when we reveal tomorrow's IT bands today!

Bringing the freshest indie music to alums, by alums at one the hottest joints in town...

Come shake off work & drink in a night of young Crimson blood, contacts, and cocktails when
Harvard ROCKS NYC:

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2009 Harvardwood Screenplay Contest Winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the 2009 Harvardwood Screenplay Competition, sponsored by Circle of Confusion! It was a very competitive pool of scripts, and we thank all of the writers who participated. To read the winning screenplays, please email a request to: [email protected]

1st place: RESPONSIBLE ADULTS by Alex Schemmer

An immature college grad reconnects with his childhood babysitter, sparking an instant attraction. To prove that he’s become a RESPONSIBLE ADULT worthy of her attention, the college grad "adopts” a spunky elderly lady as a community service project and – despite his initial intentions – does some actual growing up.

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