
Amazon Studios is giving out $100,000 in prizes to filmmakers!

Amazon Studios is having a Best Film Contest, and is giving out a prize of $100,000 each month for the next three months. That’s a lot of camera equipment.

Here’s how it works. Pick any script on Amazon Studios, and create a film that tells that story. Your entry isn’t expected to be a polished movie that would be shown in a theater. Instead, it should be a rough visualization that will help the writer and the audience see how the story works up on its feet.

Your film could be live action, an animatic, or a table read. It could be a storyboard or a series of still photos with an underlying voice soundtrack. You can do anything, as long as it tells the story.

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Are you going to Sundance?

Calling all Harvard-affiliated films and filmmakers heading to Sundance! Are you heading to Sundance this year? Will one of your films be presented? Please let us know! Ivy Entertainment will be putting together a list of all Ivy-affiliated films at the festival and they are also looking for a few panelists to speak about their experience at the Ivy mixer on 1/22.

Email [email protected] to add your name to the list.


Seeking volunteers for Harvard ROCKS

We are seeking a few volunteers to help at the Harvard ROCKS showcase on Wednesday, Jan. 26th in Los Angeles. Volunteers will help check people in at the door, tally audience votes for the artists, and other duties as needed. Email [email protected] if you'd like to help make this night a smashing success! Volunteers will get access to the Live Nation after party after the event.


And the 2011 Harvard ROCKS performers are...

After much deliberation we are pleased to announce the judges' picks for Harvard ROCKS 2011!!

Started in 2009, Harvard ROCKS brings out the best of the best in Harvard's undiscovered musical talent. This year's acts were chosen by a group of top tier industry judges (judges listed below). The performing artists for Harvard ROCKS 2011 will be:

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Tell us how to make Harvardwood better!

Harvardwood continues to expand in great programming, events, and services, all due to the wonderful contributions of its members! With over 4,000 members worldwide, we remain one of Harvard University’s largest and most active alumni groups.

We continue to seek more volunteers and more feedback to help shape the direction of the organization. In addition to supporting the events and programs currently in place, we want to hear from YOU about how your talents can best complement the organization:

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Contribute your Harvardwood testimonial and get THREE free months of membership!

Found a job through Harvardwood? A new mentor? Landed an agent? Harvardwood is seeking member testimonials and we'd love to hear from you. Tell us in a few sentences (100 words or less) and receive three free months of Full Membership added to your account! Please submit your testimonial to [email protected] with the subject line TESTIMONIAL by Wednesday, December 15th.


Seeking current film students

If you are a current film student (or recent graduate of film school), the Office for Career Services (OCS) at Harvard is looking for you! OCS is looking for any alums in film school that wouldn't mind sharing their experiences with interested seniors. Please email Gail Gilmore ([email protected]) if interested.


Harvardwood Actors Program New York Branch seeking Financing

The Harvardwood Actors Program (HAP) New York Branch is seeking capital to launch our first year. Our first major project, the Pilot Season Survival Guide (a filmed actors' showcase) is set to begin filming this November, for a January screening.

Our budget for the showcase is $3000, and an additional $2000 is needed for general operations.

Our initial group features 19 actors from the ART / Harvard community. If you have questions, please email Adam Kern at [email protected].

If you are interested in donating to the showcase or the program, please visit www.indiegogo.com/evolve.

Please note that all donations are tax deductible! Many thanks!


FINAL CALL!! Enter Harvard's ELEVATE 25K Pitch Contest

This is the FINAL CALL for entries in the Harvard $25K ELEVATE Pitch Competition – the deadline is TODAY, 11:59pm EDT (8:59pm PDT), Wednesday September 22.

So if you've got an awesome idea -- business, non-profit, or creative arts & entertainment-oriented -- that you want to turn into a reality, submit it now! Early stage companies or spin-offs of existing non-profits are also eligible. For full ELEVATE details and rules, visit http://summit.haaaa.net/pitch

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Harvardwood Writers' Competition Winners!

After working through 120 scripts and 3 rounds of judging, the RESULTS of the 2010 Harvardwood Writers' Competition are finally in!

First, a hefty congratulations to all FINALISTS – selecting winners and runners-up was difficult in every category. We were aware we had a lot of talented writers in the Harvardwood community, but were blown away by your submissions, and are immensely proud of our winning scripts.

Also, a huge thank-you to everybody who helped out as JUDGES in this competition. You’ll remain anonymous as promised, but we’re grateful that you leant us your time and expertise.

Without further ado...

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Harvardwood Music in Boston – first meeting!

Harvardwood Music is expanding to Boston and will be holding its first meeting on Sunday, September 19th at 4pm. This is a chance to connect with fellow artists and contribute to the vision and future of the group!

We are currently working on creating a year-end industry showcase/competition featuring our most promising talent, as well as compilation of demos.

Bring your instruments and records along as well and show your stuff! New Yorkers are also welcome.

Contact [email protected] for the location of the meeting and to R.S.V.P.


Seeking actors to audition for the Harvardwood Talent Group - LA

Harvardwood Talent Group (HTG) is a professional management company for unrepresented Harvardwood actors. HTG submits Harvard actors daily for feature film and TV projects via Breakdown Express. The goal is to help Harvard actors establish a strong work history and eventually secure talent agency representation.

To be considered for HTG, please send an email to [email protected]. Only Full Harvardwood members will be considered for representation. (If you are not a member and wish to join, you may do so here; if you are an Affiliate and would like to upgrade, you may do so here.)

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