NEW: HWP-Features NYC Writers Group - Apply by Feb. 15th

Do you have an idea for a feature script? Or one in the drawer you’ve been meaning to edit? Looking for a group of supportive and committed writers to help take your scripting to the next level? If yes, then great news: the New York City HWP-Features program is back from hiatus and will begin on March 9th!

Applications will be accepted February 1 -15, 2017. All participants will be asked to submit a short writing sample, a bio or resume, and a paragraph stating what you'd like to work on with the group this spring and summer.

sorkin.jpgThe group will meet 10 times between March and July, with the end goal of having each participant submit her/his script to the  Harvardwood Writers Competition by the July 31st deadline.

Only Harvardwood members are eligible, so if you're not a current member, join Harvardwood or renew your membership before accessing the application. The participation fee is $120/writer and will be due once you're notified of your status in the program.

If you love watching movies and have an idea for one yourself, then apply for the NYC features screenwriting group and let’s get it out of your head and onto the page!


Only Harvardwood members can access the application button above. If you can't access the link or are redirected to a log-in loop, you need to join Harvardwood or renew your membership.

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