November 2016 | Tracey Bing MBA '01

By D. Dona Le

tracey_and_poster_1_.jpg“You have to back your instincts in the face of opposition, especially as a producer,” says Tracey Bing MBA '01. “You might be wrong sometimes, and that’s okay. But without conviction, it’s really hard to do this job.” 

Bing’s conviction in her judgment and choices as a producer and executive has certainly paid off. Her credits include March of the Penguins, which won the 2006 Oscar for Best Documentary, and most recently, Southside with You, a feature film about Barack and Michelle Obama’s first date. After premiering at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, Southside with You was released late this summer in the United States and garnered rave reviews from critics nationwide.

Asked to define what exactly it means to be a producer, Bing first laughs before launching into a clear and comprehensive job description.

“To me, producing is finding the story, working with the writer to develop that story, attaching the talent, and then finding the financing to make that movie.” She continues, “Then, overseeing that whole process from pre- to production to post-production until you deliver it to a distributor. Sometimes you get involved later on in things, but I like to be involved from the ground up.”

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October 2016 | Roger Neill AM '90, PhD '94

Roger Neill AM '90, PhD '94 (Composer, Mozart in the Jungle20th Century Women)

by Kristen Strezo

RN_conducting_2.jpgGrowing up, composer Roger Neill AM ’90, PhD ’94 wanted to be a rock star. But he found himself torn between his love of classical music and his love of rock. He was studying Beethoven piano sonatas, yet drawn to power pop and The Beatles.

When it came time to choose a career, this intense curiosity eventually led him to the field of film and TV scoring.

“Film music really became the obvious choice because I was able to combine my interests from all these mediums, all these different kinds of music,” he says. 

Today, Neill has worked on over two hundred feature films and decades worth of television episodes and TV commercials backed by his extensive musical knowledge.

The musical process Neill uses to draw out that humanness of his characters and the emotion are just as vital as the music he chooses.

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September 2016 | Kemper Donovan JD '04

Kemper Donovan JD '04 (Author, The Decent Proposal)

by Terence O'Toole Murnin

In a world where dating now often means swipe left or swipe right, Kemper Donovan creates an old fashioned romantic comedy set in Los Angeles, one of the most unlikely places to find true love.

Kemper Donovan sounds like the name of an indie-rock band you may have seen at Coachella, and the actual guy—impossibly handsome—looks like the leading man in a Hollywood rom-com. Possessing a resume that includes an undergraduate degree from Stanford followed by Harvard Law School, he “retired” from law at the age of 25 to pursue a 10-year stint at Circle of Confusion in LA, where he represented screenwriters and comic books.  Donovan is currently sporting the hat of published author, and his debut novel, The Decent Proposalwas recently named the “#2 Summer Beach Read” by Cosmo.

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August 2016 | David Eilenberg AB '97

David Eilenberg AB '97 (President, ITV Entertainment)

By Sara Lynne Wright

David Eilenberg AB '97, the new President of ITV Entertainment, who has developed and produced such groundbreaking shows as The Apprentice and Shark Tank, loves how working in reality television forces him to come face-to-face with real world events on a daily basis.

“In general, the entertainment industry makes it very easy to spend lots of time cloistered. In nonfiction, you’re interacting with your subjects every single day, which I find exhilarating.”  Beyond that, the shows David works on can immediately and tangibly affect the lives of their subjects.

A case in point is Cold Justice, a show David oversaw on TNT, produced by Dick Wolf and Magical Elves. “The unique thing about that project was it was a real life cold case series, in which episodes really helped open murder cases that had gone unsolved and in some instances helped local police solve them. There are criminals now behind bars and families who got resolution as a result of that show existing. And that’s an amazing thing to be a part of.”

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July 2016 | David H. Mandel AB '92

David H. Mandel AB '92 (Showrunner, Veep)

By D. Dona Le

Credit Lacey Terrell/HBO“I didn’t know you could even be a comedy writer,” says David H. Mandel AB '92. “In terms of trying to engage the entertainment industry, I thought maybe I would be a lawyer, so I could be an entertainment lawyer.”

To the great relief of comedy lovers, Mandel escaped the practical clutches of a legal career. He’s currently the showrunner of HBO’s Emmy-winning Veep, and his credits include some of the top comedies of all time: Saturday Night Live, Seinfeld, and Curb Your Enthusiasm. He also co-wrote features The Dictator (2012) and EuroTrip (2004) with fellow Harvardians and frequent writing partners Jeff Schaffer AB '91 and Alec Berg AB '91.

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June 2016 | Anne Fulenwider AB '95

Fulenwider.jpgAnne Fulenwider '95 (Editor-in-Chief, Marie Claire)

by Dayna Wilkinson

What do Harvey Weinstein, Fashion Week and SXSW have in common? Add NFL commissioner Roger Goodell and Ivanka Trump to the mix, and the mind boggles—until you realize you’ve entered Anne Fulenwider’s world.

As Editor-in-Chief of Marie Claire, Anne oversees all content for Marie Claire’s print magazine, website, tablet editions and brand extensions, including the partnership with Lifetime Television’s Project Runway.

“Writing was always the easiest and most natural way to express myself,” she says. “I interned at a Rhode Island magazine at sixteen and was editor of my high school newspaper. But I didn’t enter Harvard knowing what I wanted to do. My sense at the time was that other people were there because they were interested in one particular thing. I spent freshman year searching for what that one thing for me might be.

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May 2016 | Dan O'Keefe '90

Dan O'Keefe '90 (Writer and Producer, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno,
The Drew Carey Show, Seinfeld, The League, Silicon Valley

by Nicole Torres

OKeefe.jpgOriginally from New York City, Dan O’Keefe grew up in a writing family. Both his parents were writers; his mother was an English teacher and his father an editor for Reader’s Digest. He was not allowed to watch television growing up, but he humorously recalls, “I was allowed to swear as long as it was grammatical.” His two younger brothers are writers as well, and all three of the O’Keefe brothers have enjoyed successful careers writing for either Hollywood or Broadway.

While he has enjoyed substantial success as both a writer and producer, his path toward a writing career was not always so clear. “For a long time I wanted to be an actor. I actually trained for years and years, and they didn’t have a major at Harvard, and I was thinking, ‘No one in this place is ever going to make it as an actor.’ And then, of course, Mira Sorvino, Donal Logue, and Matt Damon [did].”

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April 2016 | Kurt Crowley '06

crowley.jpgKurt Crowley '06 (Associate Conductor, Hamilton)

by Kristen Strezo

Kurt Crowley AB ’06 remembers one of the first times he felt the life of Leonard Bernstein collided with his. Crowley was an undergrad cleaning Eliot House on dorm crew when he discovered a small staircase and a sign that read ‘to tower and music room’.

Crowley’s interest piqued. He was studying music and comparative religion at Harvard. So, he did what any music student would do. He dropped his broom and climbed the small staircase.

Upstairs, he discovered a demure room with gratuitous sunlight, a baby grand piano and a picturesque view. Crowley walked to the piano. He hovered over it. He played the first tune that popped into his head. It was “Mambo” from West Side Story. Then, he headed back down the stairs.

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March 2016 | Karen Olsson '95

Olsson-_cred_Matt_Valentine.jpgKaren Olsson '95 (Journalist & Novelist, All the Houses)

by Dayna Wilkinson

Helen isn't getting anywhere in L.A. She's trying to write screenplays, but her ideas aren't great (even in her own opinion), and no one is interested in her work.

That’s how one reviewer described Helen Atherton, the protagonist of Karen Olsson’s new novel, All the Houses.

“I started with a 16 year old character named Nina, but Helen’s voice became more important,” says Karen. “Part of what keeps fiction writing alive for me is its unpredictability. Once I found Helen’s voice and decided on the backdrop of a political scandal, the story fell into place.”

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February 2016 | Jack Riccobono '03

Jack Riccobono '03 (Writer & Director, The Seventh Fire)Riccobono.jpg

by Sara Lynne Wright

Filmmaker Jack Riccobono’s first piece of advice to anyone who wants to make independent film is to find collaborators you can trust. His longstanding industry relationships, many of which go back more than thirteen years to his time at Harvard, show he’s followed his own advice.

THE SEVENTH FIRE, a feature documentary he directed/shot/produced that is slated for a May 2016 theatrical release, follows Native American gang members embroiled in the drug trade on the White Earth Indian Reservation in Minnesota. While this nuanced portrait of a rarely seen part of America feels very far from the hallowed halls of the Ivy League, the film’s list of credits has Harvard all over it.

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