Your personal story is an invaluable part of both a strong pitch and a general meeting. Join us as bestselling author, Margot Leitman and storytelling instructor, shares practical tips and methods to improve the content, delivery and emotional impact of your personal anecdotes.
Please come prepared with your personal story! We will have time for Margot to help a few volunteers from the audience to hone their personal stories right on the spot. Your story can either be the introduction to a pitch, or the story you tell when an exec asks, “So tell me about yourself?"
MARGOT LEITMAN is the author of the best-selling book LongStory Short: the Only Storytelling Guide You’ll Ever Need, What’s Your Story? & Gawky: Tales of an Extra Long Awkward Phase. She has written for DreamWorks TV, the Hallmark Channel, and the Pixl Network and worked for "This American Life" as the West Coast story scout. She is the founder of the storytelling program at the Upright Citizen's Brigade Theatre and is a five-time winner of the Moth Storyslam and a winner of the Moth Grandslam, receiving the first ever score of a perfect 10. She travels all over the world teaching people to tell their stories.
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