RSVP below to join us for our annual Harvardwood Heroes celebration. You are welcome to bring a guest.
Tickets are $125/person, and all proceeds go to support the Harvardwood Heroes program.
Featuring guest performers Johnny Lee AB '01 (violin) & Dana Lawson AB '01 (viola) of the LA Philharmonic
Past grant recipients describe the impact of the Heroes program on their volunteer service:
From 2016 Heroes Erin Sweeney MPP '07 & Antonio Valla MUP '08, GlassRoots
"With the generous Harvardwood Grant, we were able to offer our acclaimed Volcano Project to Science Park High School on March 30, 2017.... The knowledge gained in this program goes beyond casual intrigue or passing high school science; we believe a solid grounding in earth science will prepare students to understand and act on pressing societal issues such as climate change, oil exploration, pollution and species threatened with extinction, and hope to instill a desire in our inner-youth to stay in science classes in school, and to pursue science studies in higher education."
From 2015 Hero Marissa Gutiérrez-Vicario EDM '13, Art & Resistance Through Education
"Through the generous support of the Harvardwood Heroes Fund, one of our students will be awarded an academic scholarship in order to continue their studies after high school. For our students, this scholarship is incredibly important, as many of them may not be able to access federal funding due to their immigration status. Furthermore, ARTE believes it is important for our students to feel empowered as individuals. We want them to understand that their voice matters and that they are capable of making positive change in their communities, particularly on pressing human rights issues that directly affect them."
From 2014 Hero Kaitlin McGaw AB '00, Alphabet Rockers
"As the founder of Alphabet Rockers, I have dedicated my professional career to creating high-quality educational hip hop music experiences for children, families and educators. The 2014 Harvardwood grant helped support the production of a series of three family/community events in early 2015, each paired to the release of a video.... It is clear that the support of grants such as Harvardwood and others will be crucial to the continued success of this community-focused artistic project—and I remain so grateful that the $500 grant helped support myself and the artistic group of Alphabet Rockers in this incredible experience."
Photo slideshow from previous years' Harvardwood Heroes celebrations